
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Call for Submissions

Novella length at 20k, for both our Champagne and Carnal Passions lines, which means both erotic and non-erotic romance novellas.

Dark Heroes--what happens when the man of your dreams has more than a few flaws?

When disaster strikes sometimes the man of your dreams isn't who you thought. For these heroines it's not the white knight riding in to save the day, he is the slightly tarnished armor-clad warrior who captures her heart. Give us your best dark hero, show us his flaws, his character, his need for the one woman who makes him tremble.

Send your submission with complete package (see below for guidelines) to Patricia Bates, Dark Heroes Coordinator, at


Only submit finished, original works please. Be sure to proof read your manuscript thoroughly. Your manuscript should be double spaced, New Times Roman 12 point, with one inch borders. No footers or headers, but please include contact information on the top line of each attachment, so that we are able to contact you should your submission get separated from your query letter.

We no longer take simultaneous submissions, so please do not submit your manuscript to us if you have sent it elsewhere.

Your submission package must include the following:

1) A professional query letter which includes the title of your novel, word count, genre, a brief biography and your contact information. Include this in the body of your email.

2) A synopsis of your book that describes the story from beginning to end. Please keep it to 2-3 pages in length. Attach it to your email in RTF format. Please give your synopsis an appropriate title, not simply 'synopsis'. ie: Synopsis-The Winner.

3) First three chapters, saved in RTF format and attached to your email. Please name your partial manuscript appropriately, ie: Partial-The Winner.

4) A promotional plan, showing short term and long term goals. While your submission won't be won or lost on the basis of this 'plan', it will get you thinking about what you can do to help promote your novel. Saved in RTF format and attached to your email.


  1. Great opportunity. Is there a certain date by which you'd like these? Is it 20k words exactly or is there a range? Thank you!

    1. As close to 20k as you can get, but yes there is a little wiggle room if you need a bit more or less from that word count.

      We're looking for 12 (at minimum) so submissions will remain open until we find them all.

      Hope that helps.

